Food Packaging:
It is critical to maintain food safety during processing , packaging, storage, logistics (including cold chain), sale, and use. Conformance to applicable regulations is mandatory. Some are country specific such as the US Food and Drug Administration and the US Department of Agriculture; others are regional such as the European Food Safety Authority. Certification programs such as the Global Food Safety Initiative are sometimes used. Food packaging considerations may include: use of hazard analysis and critical control points, verification and validation protocols, Good manufacturing practices, use of an effective quality management system, track and trace systems, and requirements for label content. Special food contact materials are used when the package is in direct contact with the food product. Depending on the packaging operation and the food, packaging machinery often needs specified daily wash-down and cleaning procedures.
Health risks of materials and chemicals used in food packaging need to be carefully controlled. Carcinogens, toxic chemicals, mutagens etc. need to be eliminated from food contact and potential migration into foods.
Packaging is considered to be one of the most important processes to maintain quality of the product during storage, transportation and distribution as well as contribute to extending the shelf life and maintaining its original quality and safety attributes, achieving preservation and ensuring that the product is delivered safe until consumption. Packaging also has secondary functions, that of selling and sales promotion, a means of communicating information such as nutritional, safety, storage, processing regulatory and others.